Optimal testosterone levels matter if you want to WIN. I don’t just mean in golf, but in life.

People ask me how I marry golf fitness and hormone optimization.

To them it seems like two completely different arenas.

In actuality, they are so highly correlated it only makes sense to me to bring it to the attention of men everywhere who may be suffering from hormonal imbalances, only to be told they are depressed or given Viagra for their bedroom performance issues. (Which, by the way, is a LOT more common than you think)

Think of what golf is: A sport of consistent decision making, explosive athletic movements, mental clarity, physical endurance, patience….only to name a few.

Guess what hormone influences ALL those?


It is the winning hormone.

It gives you vitality.

It’s what makes a man, a man.

If you find yourself suddenly hesitating on decisions that used to be easy to make on the golf course, getting fatigued earlier than the 12th hole, and wanting to just pass out when you get home instead of playing with your kids or being intimate with your wife, are all signs that a hormonal imbalance could be brooding over you.

Especially now, where many are without caddies and having to handle their own equipment. There is a reason it is a sport.

There is significant physical exertion combining 18 holes with repetitive explosive movements that place more stress on the spine than sprinting.

Wearing XL shirts because man boobs appeared out of nowhere?

Taking the cart more often than before?

You don’t have to blame it on age.

So where does one start?

Lifestyle factors will ALWAYS win. TRT will NEVER be the solution to any of the above if you aren’t sleeping, training & eating in a way that is in favor of your goals, not against.

It’s not too late to get that feeling back for this season, to get that bounce back in your step when you drive it past your friends, and for those shafts to become solid again ?

Join me on Instagram Live Tuesday, May 19 at 7pm EST to find out what exactly it means to be a potential candidate for TRT with myself and @drericprimex!

Do you need help so you can reach your goals?

Let’s set up a consultation today.